This morning, I found myself struggling with a simple task that turned into a learning moment about the future of online content. The task?
Repotting a dying bamboo plant.
As someone who doesn't know much about plants, and certainly not about repotting, I turned to a Google search for guidance. I expected a straightforward tutorial or some expert advice. Instead, I was met with article after article filled with non-visual, impersonal text.
You know, those over SEO'd articles: SEO-first, reader experience second.
These pieces didn't seem to speak from experience or authority. They lacked the personal touch I wanted—the feeling that someone knowledgeable was guiding me through the process.
Frustrated, I switched gears and headed to YouTube. There, I found what I needed: a video tutorial that I sped through at twice the normal speed. It was practical, direct, and most importantly, it felt personal and spoken by an expert.
This experience was an eye-opener.
When half-decent content can be generated by AI in a matter of seconds, there's a hunger for content that feels personal and authentic. People crave content that's not only informative but also relatable and expertly presented.
The takeaway for us as content writer and creators?
Top rankings in Google will favor those who can infuse their work with genuine, expert insights. It’s not enough to produce content...the content must resonate on a personal level and come from a place of deep understanding.
For those who aren't experts themselves, they'll need to engage with those who are. Dive into the expert's knowledge and bring that authenticity to readers who are more picky than ever......and will only become more picky.
One quite immediate affect of AI will be the elevation of content quality. If ChatGPT can come close to the quality, the content creator needs to step their game up in only ways they can.
Such as writing through, what I'm calling, for now, the "first-person experience."